Monday, August 9, 2010

The Trip Comes to an End

After some 9543 miles covering 21 states and 4 weeks on the road I'm back home.
Angie and I arrived about 7:00 pm last night after a long day on the road. It's nice to be home!
My last post had gotten us to Sundance, WY. Not much of a town, out on the plains, just a spot on the side of the road,  least it had a place for us to sleep.We had dinner at Roa Family Restaurant. I had all the local color you could want; the food wasn't bad.

We're reaching for home. Angie's symptoms haven't improved so we're heading for Salt Lake City and then Home. I'm sorry that Angie wasn't able to visit Yellowstone, she really was anticipating this part of the trip.
We spent most of the drive on the Interstate jousting with the truckers and other travelers in a hurry to get somewhere.

Our route took us through a lot of wide open country, that seem to stretch out unimpeded forever. This transitioned into high desert grasslands to the mountains surrounding Salt Lake City, UT. We were somewhat successful in out running a thunderstorm. At lest it keep things cool, it been in the high 80's most of the time, not missing the high temps or the humidity.
Came into Salt Lake City by way of Park City, a big ski resort; approaching it from the east I didn't realize how much of a climb we were making but coming down the other side you get a marvelous vista of Salt Lake City stretched out in the valley below.  Got a tour of the SLC freeway system in finding our hotel, lots of fun after 10 hours of driving. At least it was Saturday evening so no rush hour traffic.

Early to bed early to rise. Sunday; we were up early with a final 11 hours of driving in front of us. Angie wants to get home so no site seeing along the way just potty breaks. Long straight road through the salt flats and then though desert for miles and miles. Stopped in Elko, NV for lunch, this time at KFC no local color, except that it was across the street from the cemetery. Took the tour through town just to check it out, much to Angie's concern. Lot of desert, I mean a lot of desert. The whole northern part of Nevada is sand and casinos. How those who came trough here to settle the west made it is miraculous And as we drove along there are these little settlements of a couple of buildings and/or trailers; solitary houses set in the middle of the dessert with nothing for miles.
Finally made it to Reno. 4 hours from home. Coming over the pass to Truckee we got drenched by a thunderstorm, Lighting struck the hill starting a brush fire; fortunately it was put out by the rain and was smoldering as we passed. OK, we're back in California. Massive traffic jam heading to Sacramento. Lots of people going home after a weekend in the mountains. It was like old times driving home from the Tahoe area, I know the road by hart we've traveled in so many times.
That's it. I might post some additional photos and remarks in the next couple of days; don't hold your breath.
Its been fun.

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